Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Awesome Morning

This morning while we were standing in the driveway waiting for the bus we completed our usual morning routine: hugs and kisses for everyone and I always give a few words of encouragement for a wonderful day and a quick reminder to be a good girl and pay attention so she is ready to learn. Well the bus pulls up and Olivia climbs aboard, just then, the bus driver Miss Alice, whom Livie really likes waves me to the bus. This is rarely a good thing. In the few steps to the bus, my mind is racing with all the horrible things that my "spirited" child has been doing. Miss Alice smiles and says "What do you feed Olivia?" I'm thinking oh Lord what has she been doing? She continues. "Olivia is the best child on the bus, she is so well behaved. I don't know how you do it." I simply reply, "We take her to church and we just do our best." She then says "I wish all the kids on the bus acted like Olivia, she is an angel." I thanked her, pulled my mouth up off the ground and walked away. My heart swelled as I passed this wonderful info on to my parents and Rick.

As a parent you do your best. There are no books, no websites, and no television shows that can accurately tell you how to be a parent. They offer advice, which is nice, but their ideas don't always work with MY child. I try to be a good mom, I really do, and I want her to grow into a responsible Christian woman, but I always question myself. Am I too lenient? Am I too strict? How to you reach that perfect balance? If you know, tell me, because I sure don't.

It is nice however to get a small word of encouragement to let you know that what you are doing is not in vain. I HAVE A WELL BEHAVED CHILD ON THE BUS!!!!!!! That's right I'm yelling it out loud so all can hear. My child is doing what I taught her and it's awesome.

Thursday, September 3, 2009


This is Olivia's new baby. His name is Dancer. She loves him and he loves her. He is kind and gentle with her and loves it when she rides him, which is almost every night after school. Speaking of which, school is going very well, and Olivia loves everything about it.